Dragon Loyalty Award

Dragon Loyalty Award

Once again I am ever so grateful to Michael from The Eye Dancers for nominating me. Michael is a very talented writer and blogger. I am sure you will have a lot of fun reading his published work. Please check out his novel comics, The Eye Dancers, which is also on sale at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords and Kobo.

The rules for The Dragon’s Loyalty Award are as follows:

Display the Award Certificate on your website.

Announce your win with a written post and link to whoever presented your award.

Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers.

Drop them a comment to tip them off after you have liked them in the post.

Post 7 interesting things about yourself.


I am Singapore born Chinese.

I have lived in Jakarta for 3 years, Kuala Lumpur 1½ year, Dubai 1½ year and Melbourne about 3 years.

I love to bake breads and I used to make our own sandwich loaf daily but unfortunately this has stopped.

My dream is to eat and drink without getting fat or unhealthy. This may be classified as gluttony so I think moderation is better in the end.

My children just started working this year and so I have more on hand time and hopefully be able to do more meaningful stuff with it.

I hope my elder daughter resume her studies (PhD) later this year.

I am currently exploring outside my comfort zone – it is scary and exciting at the same time.


According to ancient Chinese beliefs, the meaning of the Chinese dragon represents success and a future with great destiny. The culture of Chinese people is intertwined with the Chinese dragon. The meaning of the Chinese dragon is believed to bring forth radiate power and bestow greatness, bravery, and intelligence. The eastern dragons are associated with a character of beauty, kindness, and prudence and are considered to be intelligent beyond measure. The Chinese believe that they are descendants of dragons.


“In happy hours when the imagination wakes like a wind at midnight,
and the soul trembles in all its leaves, it is a joy to be uplifted on its wings,
and listen to the prophetic voices in the air that call us onward” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

And now it is my privilege to nominate the following 15 websites for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award! These are friends that I have made who has been loyal and motivating to me 😀 Thank you for sharing and being part of my life!

As usual, those nominated do not need to participate or accept the award if you have a non peer award policy. Just know that I do appreciate your work and time.

Mr. P http://thepeckishkiwi.com/

Sofia http://papayapieces.wordpress.com/

Robert http://robertmudge.wordpress.com/

Michal http://traveleum.wordpress.com/

Land of Fun http://landoffun.wordpress.com/

Mouse http://l2ee2l.wordpress.com/

Clouds N Cups http://cncfimoparadise.wordpress.com/

Mitsuo http://djinnistardust.wordpress.com/

Renxkyoko http://megaworthit.wordpress.com/

Itanni http://noregretsjustlive.wordpress.com/

Miranti http://highheelgourmet.com/

Vicky Nanjappa at http://www.vickynanjappa.com/

Victor http://vrtraining.wordpress.com/

Jalal http://mysuccessisyoursuccess.wordpress.com/

Michael http://alien-heartbeat.com/

Jamy http://arhythmrunsthroughit.wordpress.com/

MWMW http://quoteawiz.wordpress.com/

Michael http://meandtheboss2013.wordpress.com/

Scott http://greenhornphotos.com/

Melisa http://warmtoastymuffins.com/


Hehehe… a baby dragon with food item for a food blog, of course 😉

Happy blogging 🙂

Photo credit: Google Images

13 Responses to “Dragon Loyalty Award”
  1. Sofia says:

    Thanks Sam and congrats to you too! The picture of the Chinese dragon is beautiful. The next picture just made me giggle 🙂

  2. jalal michael sabbagh.http://gravatar.com/jmsabbagh86@gmail.com says:

    Dear friend, l am pleased and honored for nominating me for the (Dragon Loyalty Award)..l will always value your beautiful gesture..You deserve the best for the effort and love you put in your blog.Blessings and best regards.jalal

  3. Thank you Sam, patience and tolerance…I have committed to a poem a day in April as well as writing my daily motivational post, ergo I will comply with the requirements of this award sometime early next month. Love, hugs and prayers…ME and the Boss

  4. Your kids are working age? You look way too young to have kids that old.

    Anyway, congratulations on the award, and thanks for thinking of me 🙂

  5. renxkyoko says:

    OMG, Yay ! I saw my name !

    I’m going to acknowledge it when I’m done with my ttavelogue. 2 more posts and that’s it ! Really, I’m honored. Cheers ! !

  6. BeWithUs says:

    Congratulations~ Cheers!! 😀

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