Japanese Cheesecake Recipe

Japanese Cheesecake is very light and soft in texture, makes one feels less guilty finishing a big slice :)

Japanese Cheesecake is very light and soft in texture, makes one feels less guilty finishing a big slice 🙂

Osaka Cheesecake Rikuro Inspired Recipe
140g/5 oz. Castor Sugar
6 Egg Whites.
6 Egg Yolks.
50g (2 oz.) Butter.
250g (9 oz.) Cream Cheese.
100ml (3 fluid oz.) Fresh Milk.
1 tablespoon Lemon Juice.
60g (2 oz.) Cake Flour/Superfine Flour.
20g (1 oz.) Cornflour (Cornstarch).
¼ tsp. Salt or Cream of Tartar.

Pre-heat oven.
Sift flour and cornflour together, add salt to it.
Lightly grease and line the bottom and sides of the springform cake tin with baking paper. Wrap the outside of cake tin with 3 – 4 layers of aluminium foil to prevent water seeping into the springform during baking.

1. Melt cream cheese, butter and milk over a double boiler. Cool the mixture. Fold in the sifted flours, salt, egg yolks, lemon juice and mix well.

2. Whisk egg whites with cream of tartar until foamy. Add in the castor sugar and whisk until soft peaks form. Do not over-beat the egg whites. They should look glossy.

3. Add the cheese mixture to the egg white mixture and fold to mix well. Pour into a 8-inch round cake pan. Tap the Springform a few times – this is so that you wouldn’t end up with huge bubbles in the cake.

4. Put cake onto a tray filled with some hot water. Bake cheesecake in a water bath for 1 hours 10 minutes or until set and golden brown at 160°C (325°F).

Makes 1 (8-inch) Cheesecake, 12 servings.

Recipe Credit Diana’s Desserts.
Photo credit from Osaka Cheesecake Rikuro.
A step by step tutorial and alternative recipe can also be found here.

Happy baking, eating and bonding! 🙂

P.S. Please Do Not confuse/compare this cheesecake with the rich American version which is sweet and dense.

Tips and Variations:
Always pre-heat the oven before you do any baking!

Not everybody’s oven is calibrated properly, so use an oven thermometer to be sure. Alternatively, understanding the way the cake baked on your first (or first few) try can help you learn to adjust your oven’s setting to its best effect!

Use hot water for the water bath.

Do not remove the hot cake out of a baking pan immediately or the cake may collapse. Let cool for 15 minutes before doing so.

Keep baked cheesecake in covered container in the fridge and consume within 3 days. It can be frozen for up to 3 months.

Substitute Lemon Juice with Orange Juice.

Replace 20g – 30g Cake Flour with respective amount of Matcha (Green Tea Powder) or Cocoa Powder.

Alternative Temperature and Baking Time:
For this type of cheesecake: Do not bake the cake too quickly at high temperature – baking cake at a lower temperature will help the cake rise much higher and bake more evenly. If you have problem with your baked cheesecake at 160°C, you can try baking the cake at even lower temperature, at 135°C for 30 minutes and then increase the oven temperature to 150°C and continue to bake for another hour, thereabout.

62 Responses to “Japanese Cheesecake Recipe”
  1. Ken says:

    what are those black thingies at the bottom of the cheesecake??? thanks

  2. freddiejay says:

    I was really shocked to open my email and see you read my blog! Thanks so much for stopping by I’m a big fan of yours, I love the philosophy of bonding through food. All too often we eat junk just to get through dinner but what a glorious time it is when there’s good food, good conversation and family bonding!

    • bondingtool says:

      Hi Freddiejay, I am very happy to hear from you. I totally agree with your philosophy on “to do the best I can and let God do the rest!”. Btw, I am having trouble “liking” blogs on your page itself. I can only do so on my reader. Perhaps it is your settings. They keep asking me to sign in before I can “like” them and I did sign in but still cannot do so when I am on your page. Your posts are interesting and motivational. I enjoy them very much and be assured I will be reading them. Cheers 🙂

  3. jmsabbagh says:

    Delicious recipe ,we will try it.Thank you for sharing .Have a nice day.jalal

    • bondingtool says:

      Hi Jalal, by chance I checked the spam messages and saw two comments of yours in my posts as spam (this and the one on Hopetoun). I have no idea why… 😦
      Do let me know how the recipes turn out 🙂 Have a great weekend ahead! – Sam

  4. jmsabbagh says:

    Hi Sam,yes once in a while , l have no idea why my comments don’t appear when l post them.Something to do with the WordPress.(l will try to find out why).Thank you so much for the visit.Warms wishes.jalal

  5. i love this blog chesse cakes look so golden everything so yummy! do you have a recipe for something hot to put on my rice

    • bondingtool says:

      Hi PoetB, I take it that hot means spicy or chilli hot? If so, there are a few recipes in my blog that are spicy (Mapo Tofu, Tomyum soup. All those categorized as sambals and curries) and they are good with rice. If there’s a particular spicy Asian dish that you are craving for, let me know and I’ll try to do something for you 🙂 Thank you for visiting – Sam

  6. Hizzam Dasthageer says:

    This seriously sounds and looks to be a real appetizer Samantha. Cheers!! 😀

  7. The cheesecake turned out really good ,Next try will be better.Thank you for liking my post (earthly glorification ) Your recipes are healthy and delicious.l and my wife try to prepare our food at home because we know what goes in them.But we go out once in a while.This coming June 6,we are going on a cruise to Alaska..Have a wonderful day.jalal

    • bondingtool says:

      Hi Jalal, so happy that you tried and liked the cheesecake. I wish you and Hilda happy holidays when you go on your cruise in June. I’m sure it will be an adventure. Alaska sounds exotic! Thank you for commenting so kindly and especially giving this feedback on the recipe. You have a great day too 😀

  8. Hi Bonding..The recipe turned great.WE are sharing it with our relatives.Thank you for liking my post ( The present…) l enjoyed your comment about the post.Blessings and regards.jalal

  9. renxkyoko says:

    Will definitely make this. Thanks for sharing the recipe ! !

  10. renxkyoko says:

    Do I need to use those special molds ?

  11. Itanni says:

    These looks so cool!

  12. Hi
    I am drooling on my keyboard! That looks awesome

  13. Rahburt says:

    i love me some cheesecake. i often choose it over over birthday cake on my birthdays.

  14. Emily says:

    I happened to come across ur blog n saw this recipe. Thanks for sharing coz my family & Aunty love it so much but I just can’t get the smooth appearance on the surface. Nevertheless it tasted great!

    • Sam Han says:

      Thanks for dropping by and sharing your feedback 🙂 If there’s anything you like (Singapore dishes) and can’t find, I can try to help. Have a wonderful day!

  15. That looks delicious. Paulette 🙂

    • Sam Han says:

      Hi Paulette, so nice to hear from you. Jalal also a blogger from this community tried the recipe and liked it. I hope you will try them someday and let me know what you think. Thank you for visiting 🙂

  16. Chia Wee Loon says:

    After baking and cooled down, the cheesecake surface looks wrinkled and not like those in the photo.. any reasons why? thanks!

    • Chia Wee Loon says:

      Ohh.. an dI noticed the bottom half is more dense too..while the top half is more fluffy and light… any ideas why? thanks!

    • Sam Han says:

      Hi Wee Loon, there could be several possible reasons.

      If the cake shrinks and wrinkles during cooling, it could be due to insufficient baking time or cooling the cake in a draught.

      As for your second question, bottom more dense: Temperature too high? Use a thermometer to check your ovens temperature for accuracy. It could also be that the cake pan was too small? Did you open the oven door during baking? One way is to over bake the cake slightly (perhaps another 10 minutes more but do cover the top of cake to prevent excessive browning). Steam from the waterbath dampens the bottom part of cake… try using small bowls of water and place them in the four corners of the oven instead of a tray of water bath. This will help keep the cake’s bottom drier and less dense, perhaps.

      I do not have the perfect answer but generally Japanese cheesecakes are hard to master as ovens have its own temperament so you need to experiment a few times to get it right. Do try again and let me know how it goes. Thanks for your feedback.

  17. Melisa R says:

    I’m going to have to try this recipe. I’ve never seen a cheesecake that looked so fluffy.

  18. lina edzahar says:

    hi there…just a question : how do i get the top part to become brown? do i use the broil after the cake has been bake and for how long it has to be if use the broil? thank you for your time 😀

    • Sam Han says:

      Hi Lina, Japanese cheesecakes are usually not very brown on the top but if yours are overly pale, you may broil it with the oven door ajar and keep your eyes on it as they brown very fast. Take it out as soon as the colour you are hoping for is achieved.

  19. lina edzahar says:

    hi there…just wondering if you help me with my cake? i baked it and the top part wasn’t that brownish. could you tell me what did i do wrong? thank you for your help and time.

    • Sam Han says:

      Hi Lina, is your cake cooked properly on the inside? If so, then perhaps you need to bake/grill the cake a little longer with top heat just to brown it, because every oven has its “personality”. For other cake problems you may face, you can check out these links: http://www.goodtoknow.co.uk/recipes/538495/whats-wrong-with-my-cake-10-common-baking-problems-fixed

      • Lina says:

        Hi there…thank you for replying my mail…yes…the cake did properly coom…just wasn’t brownish like the picture…I guess I have to use broil after the cake cook?

        • Sam Han says:

          Yes, since the cake is cooked properly inside, then you should just broil the top of the cake. The problem could be the oven temperature if you are facing this for other cakes. Another reason for non-browning or not enough browning could also be not enough sugar especially if recipe has been tempered with, like sometimes when I reduce sugar in a recipe, the top does not brown as much. Thank you. 🙂

          • LinSco Halloween says:

            Ok…I will try to do it again and will use the broil after the cake is cooked. Thank you for your help…appreciate it 🤗

            Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

          • Sam Han says:

            Be careful when broiling and not burn it. You may need to leave the oven door slightly open if the heat is very strong. Good luck! Let me know if it the result is better. 🤗

          • LinSco Halloween says:

            Hi there…I did what u told me to do regarding the temperature wise of the oven and the top part did turn to brown 🤗…I have another question if you don’t mind….do you know how can I make the side of the cake really smooth? Coz mine is not that pretty…it’s kinda wrinklish because of the lining paper in the pan. thank you for your help again Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

          • Sam Han says:

            Is your paper wrinkled in the first place?

  20. Unknowngirl says:

    Hi I would like to ask, why did the top of my cheesecake split open? Is it my tin too small?

    • Sam Han says:

      Hi Unknowngirl,
      If your cake cracks on top, the heat is too high or the cake is too close to the heating element. It could also be due to over-beating and over-baking the batter. Thank you!

  21. BCheon says:

    Hi there,
    My daughter and I happened to find your recipe of the Japanese cheesecake last week and have tried to bake it 3 times already. The first one was disaster, but the second one came ok although the top part of the cake split. The 3rd one is being baked now. Anyway, thanks for sharing it.

  22. Torta says:

    Is it good? Is it the original recipe from Rikuro’s bakery in Osaka?

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