136 Hong Kong Street Fish Head Steamboat 香港街魚頭爐

Old Fashioned Charcoal Steamboat

Fish Head Steamboat.

I am not one who speaks well and thus do not write well but I would like to try to do some food review. I shared with Keef this idea of food review and he said, “Why not do a write up on Kok Sen?” I eagerly agreed and we made dinner appointment for tonight.

It was pouring cats and dogs but Keef came as expected on the dot, at 7pm. We managed to get a taxi and headed for Keong Saik Street, in Chinatown vicinity, for Kok Sen Restaurant. Before the taxi reached the entrance of this restaurant that’s built into an old architecture of pre-war shophouses, we could already see throngs of people snaking lawlessly in between tables, waiting to be seated. Chineses like to target a table and then stand very close to the diners. As soon as any of the existing diners make a slight indication that his table would up for grabs soon (by scribbling in the air gesturing for bills), the “vultures” crouch closer, some even have a sitting stance ready for the diner the get up, lol…

We told the taxi driver that we were not getting out and he should circle the area until we find a nice place to eat. Meanwhile, Keef whipped out his iPhone and consulted one of those Good Food Guide Apps, and pretty soon, he instructed the cabbie to go to South Bridge Road. We had a couple more restaurants at the back of our mind just in case we couldn’t find this “136 Hong Kong Street Fish Head Steamboat Restaurant” located at 291 South Bridge Road, Singapore 058836.

South Bridge Road©BondingTool

The taxi literally circled and then made a U-Turn again. We continued to travel right till the very end of this stretch of road just before it splits into Maxwell and Tanjong Pagar Kreta Ayer Road did we find the restaurant. It is actually next to our favourite Chinese pastry and bakery shop Tong Heng.

136 HK St©BondingTool

Keef bumped into a few friends sitting “al fresco” outside the restaurant. We started to be hopeful about the steamboat of this place.

Mongolian Tofu Ring©BondingTool

I went to the ladies and Keef did the ordering. The chef’s reccommendation was a dish called Mongolian Tofu. The Ring was made of reconstructed tofu, flour, seasonings and diced water chestnuts. It had a very peppery sauce and seafood filling of prawns and scallops. I did not like this but Keef did. He likes anything with pepper 😀


Finally, a small charcoal fueled steamboat for two arrived and placed on a square wood coaster on the table to catch ash dripping from the coals. We had to resist the temptation to scoop the items in the broth. Patience is a requirement or at least until the soup boils over once since the fish and yam were already pan-fried and simmered in this pot while they brought it out to us, to ensure thorough cooking and not getting any food poisoning.


On first taste, the broth was light and refreshing. It got richer as the fish released its flavour into the stock. As our tongues tasted hint of citrus-sourness from the preserved salty plums, heat from the fried ginger began to warm up our body and soon we were perspiring on a cold rainy night. The fried yam was powdery when bitten, very good indeed.


Fish is very delicate and if there’s any foul smell or strange odour coming your way, you know you shouldn’t eat them. Sometimes the fish is not bad but the flesh has gone rubbery or what we say in Hokkien “Lor Kor”. Lucky for us, we had good fish tonight and everything was right. While I did not particularly like the Mongolian Tofu, I did enjoy the steamboat quite a bit, so much so that I suspect MSG was added in the master stockpot.

136 HK St Fish Head Steamboat

Like I said, the shop was next to our favourite Chinese bakery shop Tong Heng. Look at that gimongous Nian Gao!


These nuggets of pastries had the word 福 meaning Good Fortune, stamped on them.


The diamond shaped flakey pastries with golden wobbly centres are Tan Tarts 蛋撻 or simply Egg Custard Tarts.


It was drizzling and raining quite heavily – Sky and the weather gods were indecisive so we ran to the nearest bar for a couple of drinks.


There was a Red Bull Event tonight and clubbers were steadily streaming in. Many were taking over the road even…
Taxis and cars had to honk at these “road tax payers” to get out of the tarmac so traffic could flow again.

136 Hong Kong Street Fish Head Steamboat©BondingTool

Ice Water with a slice of Lemon or was it a Vodka Tonic? I slept well this night.

I will not make a special effort to eat steamboat at 136 Hong Kong Street Fish Head Steamboat but will come to Tong Heng for traditional Chinese pastries anytime.

136 Hong Kong Street Fish Head Steamboat 香港街魚頭爐 (South Bridge Rd)
Address: 291 S Bridge Rd,
Singapore 058836.
Tel: (+65) 9437 8260
Transit: Maxwell Rd Food Centre

Tong Heng Confectionery
285 South Bridge Road,
Singapore 058833‎.
Tel: (+65) 6223 3649

Happy sharing 🙂

2 Responses to “136 Hong Kong Street Fish Head Steamboat 香港街魚頭爐”
  1. Leong says:

    713 clementi west street 2
    Singapore 120713

  2. Leong says:

    136 Hong Kong Street Fish Head Steamboat 香港街魚頭爐
    relocated to 713 clementi west street 2

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