Sunshine Award

Thank you for this Sunshine Award :D

Thank you for this Sunshine Award 😀

Thank you Melisa for nominating me for this award. I am truly humbled and elated at the same time! 😀

The Rules:
1. Post the Sunshine Award logo on your blog.

2. Nominate 10 fellow bloggers and announce their nomination in their blog’s comment section.

3. Mention links back to their blog, including a link to the person who nominated you.

4. Answer the questions below in an effort for everyone to get to know you better.


1. Favorite color: Tanzanite Blue.

2. Favorite animal: Turtles, tortoises, terrapins and the likes. Also my dog and “grandson”, Bam 🙂

3. Favorite number: 9.

4. Favorite Non-Alcoholic drink: Coffee.

5. Favorite Alcoholic drink: Chardonnay.

6. Favorite facebook or twitter: Facebook.

7. My Passions: Limited and for now blogging and road trips.

8. Giving or receiving gifts: I enjoy giving but as I grow older, I enjoy receiving them too, especially from my children as that somehow let me know they’re thinking of me.

9. Favorite city: There are many cities I like and for different reasons so I do not have one in particular. I like Hong Kong for her energy. I like Malaysia for the food. I like Singapore for the safety. I like Melbourne for the lifestyle… too many I like.

10. Favorite TV show: Like Melisa, I do not watch TV too.

Melisa and I share the same sentiment on some bloggers and she has nominated them so I shall not repeat.

My 10 Nominees:
1. The Mouse from

2. Julie Hashimoto-McCreery from

3. Ms N from

4. Tina Evans from

5. J.A. Robinson from

6. Dedy from

7. Anjo from

8. Itanni from

9. The Iron Cheftress from

10. Emily and Camilla from

Thank you once again Melisa from

Please visit their sites for that’s where the sun shines!

They are the sunshine of my life!

They are the sunshine of my life!

Happy blogging 🙂


Behold, the Sunshine Award!

18 Responses to “Sunshine Award”
  1. thenerdyscribe says:

    Congratulations! Nice photo with the dog 🙂

  2. Sam! I’m honored! Thanks for including me in your list! This is the 3rd time I’ve been nominated for the Sunshine Award, and I’m grateful for each time: –John

  3. Melisa R says:

    You totally deserved the nomination!

  4. Tina Evans says:

    Congratulations! And thank you so much for the nomination 🙂 how wonderful!

  5. Sofia says:

    Congratulations Sam! I love reading the things about my favourite bloggers, so these are always bonus posts don’t you think?

    • Sam Han says:

      HI Sofia, I think something is terribly wrong with wordpress or my browser (i highly doubt) these days. I am not getting any updates on comments and/or repeated posts in reader. I just saw your comment while looking at a link back here. So sorry about the late reply here. Yes, I love getting to know my blogging pals too 😀

  6. I like Malaysia for the food. I like Singapore for the safety <<< Can't agree more with you!

  7. Laura Lynn says:

    Congrats, you deserve it!

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