Sungei Lembing Trip – Part 7

Wow! I didn’t expect a 2-day-1-night trip to span over 7 days of blog posting but there’s just too much I want to share, like the unblemished simple-styled yet tasty food and the pulchritudinous landscapes of Sungei Lembing, an old tin mining town, that has in recent years become an exciting tourist destination for Malaysians and foreigners alike.

All good things must come to an end and this is it, folks! We’re on our way back to Singapore but first, a stopover at Ooi Kee Restaurant for lunch in Endau, a small town located north of Mersing, Malaysia. Endau lies on the northern tip of east Johor and the southern tip of Pahang. It is known for being one of the largest fishing ports on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia.

Sg Lembing Restoran Ooi Kee-Endau

Restoran Ooi Kee is located in an idyllic fishing village – Endau, Mersing, Johor, Malaysia.

Sg Lembing Restoran Ooi Kee-Endau

Our last groupie meal.
Michael said, “Trust me” when I asked what we were having for lunch.

Sg Lembing Restoran Ooi Kee-Endau

Fish Head Curry.

Sg Lembing Restoran Ooi Kee-Endau

It’s like a one pot meal with proteins and vegetables.

Sg Lembing Restoran Ooi Kee-Endau

Egg Fuyong.

Sg Lembing Restoran Ooi Kee-Endau

Chicken stewed with Bittergourd.

Restoran Ooi Kee Endau

Stir-fried Greens.

Restoran Ooi Kee Endau

Taukee (Dried Beancurd Sticks) and canned Button Mushrooms.
This was meant for Michael who had recently turned vegan but some of the boys didn’t realised that and started digging into the pot devouring the clear broth, nodding their heads approvingly of the tasty (I think it’s similar to BKT ) soup.
Of course, generous Michael didn’t mention anything.

Sg Lembing Roasted Pork

The sign usually rean “No outside food and & drinks” in Singapore but here in Restoran Ooi Kee, the folks were helpful enough to stir-fry the leftovers of our Lembing Roasted Pork take-away.

Sg Lembing Restoran Ooi Kee-Endau

Robin (standing) was reluctant to leave his seat for this picture as he was hungry.
“Why me?” he asked, when I said to move. Lol…
I was puzzled with Benny’s action in this frame when I took the picture until he posted…

The shooter's been shot! :D

The shooter’s been shot! 😀
Photo courtesy of Benny Ng.

Enjoy the video:

So many fond memories we brought back with us. Benny is already planning a Sekinchan trip with Michael and Mr. Aw said he is looking forward to it! As for me, it spells another shot at the Milky Way 😀

Sg Lembing

We’re on our way back to Singapore after lunch but there’s always room for dessert!
We’re heading to a petrol station to get Magnum Ice Creams when the bus gets refuelled later! 😉
Photo courtesy of Benny Ng.

Map from Singapore to Sungai Lembing by land.

Map from Singapore to Sungai Lembing by land.

Restoran Ooi Kee
*Address: Jalan Endau Mersing & AH18,
86900 Endau, Johor.

*Address given may not be exact as I got redirected from Foursquare to this location but this homey restaurant is in Endau, Mersing (a fishing village), Johor, Malaysia.

Happy eating, traveling and bonding 😀

Our photography outing was lead by Michael Lee of Xing Asia (亚洲行). You may contact him at: or visit their website:

Xing Asia provides exceptional value and authentic experience for like-minded people to experience Asia through photography.

Photos with Penguin Pictures watermarks are courtesy of Benny Ng.

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