Kiang Kee Bak Kut Tea (Teh) 强记肉骨茶 – Still Yummilicious After 5 Years!

Steven and I travelled to Malaysia for landscape photography just around midnight last Friday. We didn’t get the Milky Way shot we were hoping for but we had fun at the beach shooting sunrise. On our way back to Singapore, we made a stop at the famous Kiang Kee Bak Kut Tea (Teh) 强记肉骨茶 for … Continue reading

Bastard Ginseng a.k.a. The Poor Man’s Ginseng (Tea Recipe)

My family and I have been under the weather lately and being quite the traditional mom when it comes to dietary supplement, Chinese herbal concoctions seemed the most appropriate way to soothe and pamper peaked bodies in my household. As I believe this herbal tea to have a good number of excellent actions to aid … Continue reading