Little India Singapore – Spice Up Your Life

I have always wanted to learn street photography with some human elements in them but I am shy about approaching people and am afraid that they might confront me if I took their pictures without consultation first. But then again, the “mood” may be different with artificial pose. Anyway, this was a Tuesday, a rare … Continue reading

Indian Street Food – SiraJ

I could barely remember but the first time I ate Indian Rojak, it was probably in my pre-teens at Rasa Singapura Food Centre, now defunct. It was located in Tanglin Road at Tudor Court, near The Regent, Singapore. It’s also been long time since I tasted Indian Mee Siam, not since the demolition of Taman … Continue reading

The Artsy Affair

I was supposed to go for the National Day Flypast and Fireworks with Paul, today being the last rehearsal, but plans got changed when Dad and Bro came to Van’s first exhibition. This is the beginning of her career. She has a long way to go and I will be there for her. Happy celebrating … Continue reading

Stake On Steaks

Since my children started working, eating at home has become less frequent. My blog which started noting recipes has evolved to sharing of food and restaurant experiences, and photography (a hobby I’ve picked up after blogging). Ocassionally, we do eat very late dinners at home when Valerie is in the mood to cook but the … Continue reading

The Hospitable Mamanda®

9th of July 2013 was the start of the holy month of Ramadan and will continue for 30 days until Wednesday, the 7th of August 2013. It is the month of fasting and prayer for our Muslim community. The faithfuls abstain from eating from dawn (before sunrise) to dusk (after sunset). Besides abstaining from food … Continue reading

Instant Noodles – Best Invention Of The 20th Century!

Instant noodles were invented by Taiwan-born Momofuku Ando in Japan. They were first marketed on 25th August 1958 by Ando’s company Nissin under the brand name Chikin Ramen (チキンラーメン). According to a Japanese poll in the year 2000, “the Japanese believe that their best invention of the twentieth century was instant noodles.” As of 2010, … Continue reading

When 19’s Not A Crowd!

When is 19 not a crowd? When like-minded people gather together for a common destiny! Recently, I had the priviledge to be invited to join a closed group Photography Khaki in Facebook. As the name clearly clued you, it’s a group for aspiring and experienced photographers sharing their passion. As of my writing, they have quickly … Continue reading

Mee Rebus

Four to six decades ago, mee rebus was peddled by Malay hawkers who carried two baskets over a pole. One basket contained a stove and a pot of boiling water, and the other the ingredients for the spicy noodle dish. As Singapore develops and street vendors were relocated to food centres, street food became a … Continue reading

Sweet Potato Porridge Recipe 红薯粥食谱

This is a nourishing meal by itself and it is very good on days where semi-fasting or light meals are desired especially after the recent weeks and weeks of rich food since Christmas, CNY (the 15-day celebrations are still ongoing) and Valentine’s, I must admit to have put on quite a few kilos. Recipe Ingredients: 1½ … Continue reading

Chicken Curry 咖喱雞

Chicken curry is one of our family’s staple diet simply because it fulfils 3 things on my list as the home chef: 1. Simple to prepare and fast to cook (15 minutes to prepare and 30 minutes cooking time) 2. Spicy (the spices used here actually have a lot of nutritional and healing properties) 3. … Continue reading