Don’t Mess With My Tutu! 嘟嘟糕

The name Kueh Tutu comes from the “tutu” sound the steaming holes make when the cakes are ready. Kueh Tutu is traditional Singaporean snack used to be sold in pasar malam (night bazaar). Nowadays, you may find them in kopitiams and food courts in shopping malls. The prices have gone up exorbitantly due to inflation, elevating … Continue reading

Onde Onde

Pandan Flavoured Onde Onde Recipe: 500g Sweet Potatoes (yellow flesh, preferred). 10 Pandan Leaves, wash and tie 3 leaves into a bundle and cut the 7 remaining ones into small pices, set aside. 75g Plain Flour, sifted. ½ teaspoon Salt (each for dough and coconut shavings). 400g Palm Sugar (they come in cylindrical block form). … Continue reading